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                Belt Conveyor

                Belt Conveyor

                • Classification:product display
                • source:Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd
                • release time:2023-04-22 17:37:13
                • Views:2569

                Belt Conveyor

                • Classification:product display
                • source:Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd
                • release time:2023-04-22 17:37:13
                • Views:2569

                Belt Conveyor

                一、Character of Belt Conveyor:

                Belt conveyor is one of the important delivery equipment to send bulk materials continuously. They are not only used on inner stuff transfer but also extenal delivery.These machines apply in the fields of metallurgy, mine, coal, port, power plant, construction, chemical, light industry, petroleum. Conveyor belt works as the draught component of belt conveyor. Reference picture as follow: belt circle is formed when conveyor2 is passing by driving roller1 and diverting roller4. Supporting roller3 supports the whole belt. Tense set offers enough tensile force for belt running. As the machine working, the driving sets drive roller and the friction between rollers and belt will make the belt running. So the stuff needs to be transferred that can run follow the belt. As usual it unloads stuff at the end of conveyor but also can change to half unloading one by adding special components.


                1.Driving Roller 2.Conveyor 3.Supporting Roller 4.Diverling Roller 5.Tense Set

                (Picture 1 :Belt conveyor structure diagram)


                二、Working Scope of Belt Conveyor :

                ⑴Belt conveyor is unversally applied in the field of metallurgy, mine, coal, haven, power plant, construction, chemical, light industry, petroleum. The equipment can transfer stuff by single or multi-conveyors. Suitable for bulk materials and one-piece products with density between 500~2500Kg/m3.

                ⑵Belt conveyor works under the temperature of –25~40C. In special condition such as: high or low temperature, water, antisepsis, explosion proof, flammability, should have protecting measures.

                ⑶Belt conveyor is designed as components in bulk. Our professionals can assemble these components as a whole conveyor to meet varied demands of different circumstance.

                ⑷What size the granularity conveyor can feed depends on belt width, speed, angle of groove, obliquity and occurance frequency of big stuff. We suggest the largest granularity can choose by following list1. If sending rigid rocks, the granular is limited within 350mm when the belt width more than 1200mm.

                Sheet 1 The Largest Specification of Granularity with Different Belt Width mm

                Belt Width 500 650 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 

                Maximal Granularity 100150 200 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

                Remark: size of granularity means the largest linear size of stuff.

                Remark: size of granularity means the largest linear size of stuff.

                三、Calculating Expressions of Driving Roller Power

                In many engine handbooks, editors recommend some different expressions and the results of calculation also vary. In order to make the calculating result in accordance with the practical requests of client’s using condition, we recommend the expression as below:



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                No.16 Shun Xing Road, Ecological Industrial Park, Lushan District, Jiujiang,Jiangxi.P.R. China

                Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd

                all rights reserved:Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd       Gan ICP No. 19005654-1