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                BAP SCREW CONVEYOR

                BAP SCREW CONVEYOR

                • Classification:product display
                • source:Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd
                • release time:2023-04-22 17:29:28
                • Views:2674

                BAP SCREW CONVEYOR

                • Classification:product display
                • source:Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd
                • release time:2023-04-22 17:29:28
                • Views:2674

                The working theory of screw conveyor is by circumrotating transport material. By using SKF bearings on the screw conveyor and they have good quality with good leakproofness, longer working period and convenient oil supplying.For the bearing support does not touch the material, it is specially suit the transport of powdery and high temperature material. We also using SEW reducer, it is reducer in the world and has a long working period. The working temperature is under 500℃. It is high temperature material transport equipment with advance structure and good currency.It is suitable for the transportation for all kinds of powdery, granular and other mixed materials.

                一.MAIN CHARACTERISTIC

                1、With large transport volume; It has good heat insulation and there is no need to cooling the device.

                2、 Quick operation with shake proof and low noise.

                3、Simple structure and easy to operate;components are convenient for maintaining.

                4、Simple installation and easy to move, no need to use special groundsill and holding down bolts.

                5、Loading and unloading form multi-points, suit for transportation of calcareousness, cement clinker and the top and bottom transportation of scoria slag.

                6、Has double way to transport,full closed transport can prevent dusts pollution.

                7、Solid protect coat on flights to extend the working life.

                8、The transport distance is as long as 20 meters, supporting multi-conveyors connecting.

                二. MAIN CAPABILITY:

                Comparing with other kinds of transport devices, screw conveyor is simpler with a small cross section size and good leakproofness. Screw conveyor could load and unload goods at several loading points within its working scope. Control easily and safely and cheap cost are the advantages of screw conveyor. Screw conveyor is used for transport flour, grains, concrete, fertilizer, clinker, sands, stone and coal powder etc. Because it has small current square inside the tube, it’s not suit for the transport of degenerative, glutinous and lumping Goods.

                BAP Screw Conveyor could be laid as horizontal or in declining way, but the declining angle is less than 20°. The working temperature is between 20~500℃。 But we can design for your own requirements.



                (Fig1) 1.reducer 2.active chain wheel 3.chain 4.idle chain wheel 5.bearing supports 6.packing seal devices

                7.out form the exit 8.flight 9.view window 10.input

                OPERATING PRINCIPLE:

                Reducer (item 1) drives active chain wheel (item 2), chain (item 3), idle chain wheel (item 4) to pass pitch of strand to flight then it goes round which will push goods to go through the entrance (item 10) and out form the exit (item 7). It is the transportation process of goods. In order to reduce influence of high temperature increased by running to bearing supports (item 5),bearing support is separate vertical installation (but bearing support of common screw conveyor is installed on the end cup and is not good for cool).At the double end shields added packing seal devices (item 6) to enhance the sealing. On the top of screw conveyor there is a view window (item 9) which is for easy viewing the goods condition.

                四.SERVICE LIFE


                The main shaft is too long which is not easy to do precision work.So we added high precision, high smoothness and high hardness linings (item 4, 7)at the both ends to improve the leakproofness. And surface coated with hard chrome plating in order to prevent form corrosion. (please see the drawing below)


                1.compaction bolt 2.stop end shield 3.idle chain wheel 4.wear lining1 5.SKF bearing support

                6.filling lining press cover 7.wear lining2 8.filling lining 9.shaft


                Enchased with high-manganese steel plates into the shield to improve its resistance.

                3.JET SOLDERING TO FLIGHTS

                Quencher technics is being used on common machine components but not suit for screw conveyor. We adopt thermal spraying craft to jet soldering Ni - Cr - B - Si on the surface of materials which will be a solid protect coat for it.

                MAIN FEATURE:

                · Coated materials could bear different strike and wash out forces.

                · Coated materials have higher rigidity to HRC60 °. Because Cr B element, after thermal spraying, it change to be Cr Co carbide and boride which improve the hardness point greatly.

                success cases









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                No.16 Shun Xing Road, Ecological Industrial Park, Lushan District, Jiujiang,Jiangxi.P.R. China

                Jiujiang FEIDA Machinery CO. Ltd

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